πŸ€” Unlock the Art of Feedback – Transform Your Design Talks!



Hey Reader,

Let's dive into the world of design feedback, shall we? I know, I know – it can feel like wading through murky waters at times, but let's clear things up.

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πŸ‘‰ First up: Design crits. These informal, no-stress, all-chill sessions with your immediate design team are where the magic happens. You rock up with your work – messy, raw, maybe a bit of this, a bit of that – and just lay it out there. No prep needed. It's about bouncing ideas around, not a polished pitch!

We ran these twice a week at Uber, super consistent-like. Twenty minutes, three slots, short and sweet. You claim your spot, you show your Figma file, and boom – you're getting the kind of feedback that's like gold dust.

Now, remember, crits are for designers by designers. This is not the place for cross-functional feedback. Keep it cosy, keep it constructive, and keep it within the family of design folks.

video preview​

πŸ‘‰ Moving on to design explorations – oh, the playground of creativity! Got a sandbox of ideas? Perfect. Organize that Figma file so it's not a wild maze for your PMs and engineers. Give 'em the context, the concepts, the rationale, and your recommended solution. Make it a story they can follow.

As always, context is queen. Share the stage of your design, the problem you're tackling, and lay out your explorations. Then, hit 'em with the rationale – your design decisions aren't just pretty pictures; they're thoughtful solutions.

Whether it's live design jams with your team or presenting high-fidelity flows, it's all about clarity and collaboration. And hey, if you're doing something different with your team, I'm all ears! Drop your experiences in the comments; let's chat about it.

Until next time, keep creating, keep critiquing, and most importantly, keep the feedback loop spinning.

- Femke


πŸ”Š Spotlight: Design Leader Insights

I spoke with Fuego UX earlier this month and chatted about starting a successful side hustle in design while maintaining work-life balance, the importance of design having an influence on product, and more!


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🧠 Mastering the Mindset of Feedback

Now that we’ve mastered how to approach design feedback, let’s deep-dive into feedback psychology. We've compiled some resources that will transform the way you give and receive design critiques.

Courses to Course-Correct:

Podcasts for Your Commute:

πŸ’Ž Gems of the week

πŸ™Œ Such fun things in this gift guide!

🀩 Such a fun coffee table book idea! Adding it to my wishlist.

Have a topic you'd like us to chat about? Reply to this email and let me know!


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