πŸ€“ Did You Miss My Figma Config Talk?



Hey Reader,

Just a quick note to brighten up your inbox this week.

video preview​

Quite a few folks have been asking where they can find my Figma Config talk β€” and it is now uploaded on Youtube!​

Whether you're winding down for the night or interested in a creative chat, this is one of the talks you don't want to miss! This talk is pretty dear to my heart, as I share my favorite Figma tips and tricks along with so many other incredible designers. Hopefully, it lights up some ideas for you!

As always, reply to this email to share any thoughts, light bulb moments, or just a friendly hello!

Joining the next cohort of Product Strategy for Designers! Enrolment is opening on July 10th for our next cohort happening in August.

✨ Interested in a course walkthrough?

Check out the walkthrough here. My course Product Strategy for Designers is more than just a course. Each cohort has 6 modules which each includes:

  • πŸŽ₯ Video lessons
  • 🍿 Clips from experts @ companies like Google, Uber, Stripe & IKEA
  • πŸ“š Further reading & resources
  • πŸ“‹ Worksheets + more!

Interested in signing up for the August cohort?


Level up your product design career!

Join over 30,000 designers! Learn to advocate for your ideas, influence your team–and step up your product design career with Femke ✨

Read more from Level up your product design career!

I'm Femke – a senior product designer helping designers level up their design careers. Hey Reader, This past January, I gave a talk at the 10x Conference which set the stage for a gathering like no other - a beacon for designers eager to broaden their horizons, refine their craft, and connect with the creators of the design community. I aimed to share a transformative experience with my talk, The Influential Product Designer. Where I distilled years of navigating the complex web of product...

I'm Femke – a senior product designer helping designers level up their design careers. Hey Reader, This week, I want to touch on design systems and how they bridge the gap between design and development, but achieving seamless collaboration in this arena is a challenge many teams face. The key? It's not just about perfecting the system; it's about perfecting the process of collaboration and communication. In this video, Molly Hellmuth mentions how finding the perfect rhythm in collaborating...

I'm Femke – a senior product designer helping designers level up their design careers. Hey Reader, In a world where design trends shift quicker than a click, staying relevant isn't just about keeping upβ€”it's about leading the charge. This week, I’m sharing my top resources to future-proofing your design skills. Explore insightful podcasts for a deep dive into innovative design approaches, and empower your skill set with courses. Keep reading to uncover skills and strategies that will elevate...